
Reducing Gun Violence in America’s Cities: Why Community Violence Intervention Programs Demand Funding

There's a Proven Way to Reduce Gun Violence in America's Cities. We Just Need to Fund It TIME - EDDIE BOCANEGRA, ERICA FORD AND MIKE MCBRIDE More than 141 people were shot in our hometowns of Oakland, Chicago, and New York City over the July 4th weekend. The shooting victims included a 6-year old girl and her mother in the West [...]

Discover How Community Violence Intervention is Changing the Game in Combating Violent Crime

What's community violence intervention? DOJ pitches plan after awarding $100M in grants. USA Today - Grace Hauck February 16, 2023   Federal officials, community leaders and researchers are gathering in St. Louis this week to discuss a key component of the Justice Department's plan to combat violence in the U.S: community violence intervention and prevention programs. "We are funding programs that [...]

Columbus’ New Office of Violence Prevention to Receive Support from National Anti-violence Network

  Columbus' new Office of Violence Prevention to be offered help from other cities ABC 6 - Steve Levine March 28, 2023 A national anti- violence network made up of cities across the country, is now preparing to help Columbus’ new Office of Violence Prevention. “They’ll have access to us in terms of thinking through the shape of the office,” David [...]

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