1st Qtr Gun Violence Statistics
Gun Violence in America must stop. The gun violence statistics are staggering.
6,296 gun deaths
•11,653 gun injuries
•173 mass shootings
•325 children shot
•1,480 teenagers shot
•360 incidents of defensive gun use
•467 unintentional shootings
~8,052 suicides [CDC estimate]
What many don’t know is that there are proven, evidence-based gun violence reduction strategies that are simply not funded or supported at scale. These strategies typically reduce shootings and homicides by 30-60% (without increasing incarceration), but often go ignored.
LIVE FREE works to promote the implementation of community-based violence intervention by educating directly impacted communities about the strategies; connecting communities to technical assistance providers who can help with planning and implementation; and helping build the community power necessary to ensure the strategies are fully funded and effectively implemented over the long term.
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