Birmingham Alabama Peacemaker Training

The training is appropriate for community organizers, violence interventionists, program directors, city and county officials, and other community leaders interested in developing a holistic vision of what violence intervention can look like in their cities. Topics covered will include violence interruption, street outreach, wraparound services, and organizing strategies for those seeking to mobilize funding and support for similar efforts in their own cities.

**Costs:** There is no cost for the training itself, but unless otherwise arranged, your organization is responsible for travel and lodging expenses. Lunch and a light breakfast will be provided on both training days.

**Location:** **Birmingham Alabama**

**Hotel/Travel:** Participants are in charge of booking their own lodging and travel. Fly into BHM airport. More information will follow regarding nearby hotels.

**Registration:** Space is limited, so please register by **Jan 10th** in order to secure a spot.

Click Here to Register Now



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