In Florida, Latino churches are organizing en masse to push back against a cruel anti-immigrant bill being proposed by the governor’s office. Bus loads of Latino pastors and ministry leaders assembled at the state Capitol in Tallahassee to pray, meet with legislators, and to ask the governor and state lawmakers to consider the damage that this bill will do to their ability to minister to some of the least among us. Among other things the bill would imprison those transporting undocumented immigrants, would force people to declare their immigration status when going to the hospital, and would prohibit undocumented youth from qualifying for in-state university tuition.
The Latino church is reminding the governor and the rest of the state that Jesus was an immigrant, too!
The Evangélicos for Justice movement is growing! #evangelicosforjustice

Join hundreds of churches who have decided to stand in the gap for the most vulnerable and the voiceless.

We will invoke God’s presence and express our radical love for the immigrant church and communities.

The Latino evangelical church of Florida is coming together to invoke God’s presence and express our concern for the immigration bill that criminalizes immigrants, the church and those of us who serve them.



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